Conversations: The hill yet to climb

Hey Chris,

Tell me, what’s the biggest obstacle that prevented you from achieving your goals!? I am constantly battling the overwhelming thought of how much work it is going to be or how long it will take which causes procrastination. Fighting that with action. That is the everyday climb and battle for me.


The hill yet to climb


Howdy The hill yet to climb,

Well, it’s great to see that you have insight into what causes your procrastination! Not many people are willing to acknowledge their thoughts, so kudos to you.

Ok, based on your brilliant insights, I’m going to guess that you know the standard…break your goal down into easily achievable steps and all that jazz.

But I’m going to throw you a curve ball.

I actually think when you can’t achieve a goal based on procrastination it’s because it’s not YOUR goal.

How’s that?

Let me pull on a memory for you…remember I’m here to remind you…😊

Where, in your life, have you had a goal that was ALL yours. 

Let’s keep it simple. Consider a place you wanted to go, a meal you wanted to have, a book you wanted to read, a TV show or movie that you wanted to see.

You feel me?

What got in the way of you achieving that kind of  “personally” driven goal? Probably nothing…

Ok, maybe finances or someone to do it with, in some cases, but that wasn’t procrastination, right?

Now, I’ve been on the planet for a while and I’m SUPER aware that we are HANDED other people’s goals and have to deal with it.

When that leads to a struggle or challenge, I often ask my clients, what’s in this for you?

What is it about achieving someone else’s goal that can serve you? Could it be a nice addition to your resume? Could it position you to do something YOU really want to do? Will they “owe” you for doing it?

If you can identify what YOU get out of it, you’re more likely to engage and achieve THEIR goal with less procrastination. 

See what I did there?

So in answer to your question, The hill yet to climb… It’s all a matter of perspective.

Better said…the old “what’s in it for me” can get you deeply tied to achieving the results and less focused on the hill you have to summit to get there.

Now I’ll answer your question about me. “What is the biggest obstacle that prevented you from achieving your goals!”

The biggest obstacle has been in not remembering that the “what’s in it for me” is not always about me, but it is FOR me…:) 

Case in point, responding to the wonderful questions I get here on the blog. I have a goal to respond timely. If I don’t do it promptly, I can find my way to procrastination.

When I remind myself that this isn’t about me…it’s about being of service to you, and that brings me joy, which is in essence,  my what’s in it for me.

Thanks for asking…and…reminding me.

Now, take that hill!

~ Fear nothing. Love everything.

If you have a question, challenge or issue that you’d like me to submit for this blog, simply email me. I will respond to as many as I can and you will remain anonymous.

If you’d like to have a private conversation about a question, challenge or issue, simply go here to get started. 

Thank you.

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