Conversations: Train to nowhere

Let me ask you Chris,

Do you ever feel like you stepped onto the train of life and it’s leading you in a direction you know you do not want to go ?

You want to step off but you are so scared. 

You don’t want to lose the comfort of the train by stepping off into the unknown. It feels comfortable and there are people going in the same direction, so you must be in the right place, right?

Yet it just doesn’t feel right.

Ugh, what do I do?


Train to nowhere 


Hey train to nowhere,

Yup, been there multiple times in my life.

It’s absolutely natural to get comfortable and into something predictable. 

Yet, you and I both know that that is NOT how life works.

By virtue of the fact that you’re asking, you already think you’re missing something by staying put.

The answer is, you are.

You, my friend, are not the same person or in the same place you were 5 or 10 years ago. Heck, even 5 or 10 weeks ago, am I right?

At the very least, your “thinking” is decidedly different too!

So embrace this unease and know it’s because you’re being given an opportunity to move down the tracks of your life in a new and exciting direction.

Take this as a sign to start looking around and making new goals, new friends, new approaches that put you on the next train.

Rest assured that you may not know where you’ll end up, but you’ll be an incredible and amazing person as a result.

I know this from experience, Train to nowhere, since I’ve moved in my career and physically more than 10 times over the last 40 years. But I found, when I reflected on those moves, that with each and every train ride, it got better and better.

I trust that I’m not unique.

The opportunity is yours to grow and stretch. And you’re recognizing that it’s calling to you. 

Trust and believe, as I now know…it really does get better and better.

And so do you…

~ Fear nothing. Love everything.

If you have a question, challenge or issue that you’d like me to respond to for this blog, simply email me. I will respond to as many as I can and you will remain anonymous.

If you’d like to have a private conversation about a question, challenge or issue, simply go here to get started. 

Thank you.


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