Regrets…not here buddy!

How many experiences have you looked back at with regret?

I can tell you that there are only a handful in my life…and they mostly revolve around love…but that’s a story for another day.

I love how Twain gives us an easy “pass” on those regrets that just bring a smile to your face.

Just for giggles, read his quote again and then take some time to let your mind wander…

I bet as a thought of something past comes to mind, it is now swiftly followed by a smile.

Am I right? šŸ™‚

Thoughts of that dessert, that glass of expensive wine that took a bite out of your wallet, that trip that you “really” couldn’t afford, but just needed to feel sane again, the love that got away (oh there I go)…

Let the regret go and allow the smile come to that beautiful face of yours…

For you are so very worth it…

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