Conversations: Spiral of negativity

Hey Chris,

I see from your bio that you’ve been an entrepreneur and you continue to “work” your business while working full time.

I wonder if you can help me with something I’m struggling with in my own business. Every once in a while, I go down this spiral of negativity. Things can be going great, great clients, great money, everything’s great!

So why am I tempted to walk on the “dark” side when it comes to my thoughts? And I don’t need to tell you that it begins to affect my business at some points.

How can I protect my thoughts from negativity?


Spiral of negativity


Hey Spiral of negativity…I have but one simple answer…but it won’t be easy to embrace.

Wait for it…




Ok, I don’t mean to be so flip, but it’s really that simple. You’ve likely heard, what you resist, persists.

Let yourself go there. There is likely some gift at the bottom of it that will reveal itself if you just go with it.

Too often, especially in business, we think we must be positive for the sake of our clients, our profits, our loved ones.

But consider, you’re human like everyone else and you’ll have both good and bad days.

The good is designed to teach you something, right? So why wouldn’t the same be true for the “bad?”

There have been times in my business where I went “dark” and down the rabbit hole. And sure, I wanted to pull myself out of the nose dive because I thought that things would not get better or stay good if I were in a negative space.

More often than not, there was a gift that I discovered because I let myself just go there. I started asking “different” questions about my business. 

Questions like: why am I having these negative thoughts?

  • Is it because this client frustrated me?
  • Is it because I go out networking and I don’t bring home any business?
  • Is it because my website isn’t having the kind of traffic I want given all of my hard work?

You see how using the negative thoughts can inspire you to ask “different” questions that can open you up to a new way of enjoying your business? 

Following the questions I posed to myself, I discovered that the frustrating client is not my ideal client; the networking groups I go to are not the right ones for my business and I also need to network “differently.”

And finally, what’s really going on with the site that google analytics might help me uncover. New perspective, energizing thoughts, positivity on its way.

And I would not have gotten there without the negative thoughts.

Those negative thoughts, Spiral of negativity are a part of you.

Don’t deny them, let them “gift” you something by allowing them to guide you to what you may be missing out on.

I hope that helps…

~ Fear nothing. Love everything.

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Thank you.

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