While you may not want the challenges and defeats in your life, they are actually what truly motivates the progress you experience.
Imagine if things were great — all of the time.
Boring and bored you’d be.
We need to see and feel ourselves grow and expand in this life, otherwise we experience life like Groundhog Day, the movie.
The same day over and over again.
And even in the movie where he tried to switch it up to make the next day different, it was still more of the same.
When you look back over the challenges and defeats you’ve experienced thus far in your life (yeah, hate to break it to you…it doesn’t end until you do) I bet you see a clear progression in your body, mind and spirit…
That would never have been possible otherwise.
As I often say, fear nothing — because there is ALWAYS a gift in the challenge and love everything — because that gift will change your world.