Hey Chris,
I got a quick question and hope you have a quick answer!
Either in general or when you don’t know what to do, do you find that it helps simply to just keep moving?
Moving on
Ah Moving on, you’ve never read a conversation on the blog, have you? 🙂
There are no quick answers here my friend!
Here’s why…
Life just ain’t built that way. If it were, you would be rocking and rolling without time to even ask…
But since you asked, I actually can give you a quick answer…
You have to remember…what works for you.
You see, for some people, stopping to reflect in a time of indecision, serves them. They can assess what has happened to date and what are the available and unavailable options.
Reflection time can yield tremendous benefits in terms of accessing your emotions, energy and commitment. It can also inspire you to kick into gear and get moving in a better feeling direction.
When you just “keep moving” you can gain momentum and mileage. Churning and burning as they say, can be inspiring to some because they need to “feel” they are in motion and not stalled.
For others, stopping a moving car feels like going backwards and no one really wants to do that, right?
I would ask you, Moving On, to reflect on a goal you’ve pursued in the past.
One that you’ve achieved.
What did it take to get there?
Was it pounding and pushing forward?
Was it slowing down and looking at what you may have missed?
I guarantee you that it was one or the other, that got you jazzed up and completing the goal.
You just have to…remember.
Now, let me throw you a curveball…
When you don’t know what to do, either path —- churn and burn or stop and reflect, may appeal to you based on the circumstances.
I’ll give you an example.
In my work life, I don’t like to waste time. I like to get to the end of my day knowing that I’ve churned and burned through my to-do list. And it feels incredibly satisfying to see the red checks on that list.
In my Beat Self Defeat business, I don’t like to waste time either. HOWEVER, I don’t like to burn through the day just staying active and doing “stuff.” I like to pause and assess where I am. Am I moving toward my goal or just keeping myself busy?
Busy, as you know, does not always mean productive.
So don’t feel like you have to approach this in only one way. Life just doesn’t work that way.
Stay open to what helps you move forward, not backwards.
Do you keep moving on or do you pause and assess?
Whichever works for you in the moment is ALWAYS the right way…trust it.
Just keep moving forward, in your way Moving on!
~ Fear nothing. Love everything.
If you have a question, challenge or issue that you’d like me to respond to for this blog, simply email me. I will respond to as many as I can and you will remain anonymous.
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Thank you.