Sigh Chris,
I have been trying to make some changes in my life and really want to improve myself and my career.
But I find that if change doesn’t come instantly, I tend to just give up and tell myself that it just doesn’t work.
I can’t keep this up for much longer…got any advice?
Running out of steam
Hey Running out of steam,
Been there…and not just in my career…life. Oy!
I know I don’t have to tell you, that things take time. (trust me, I’m still waiting on something I’ve been working on for 2 years!)
Here’s the thing that is of utmost importance…
Be clear about why the change, career or otherwise, is important to you.
If the change will incredibly change your life for the best, then your commitment to waiting on its inevitability, while not easy, will be worth it.
If the change is based on someone else’s idea of how you would or could change for the better…then, I sigh for you. Let me give you an example of what I mean.
Boss: If you become more collaborative you’ll get promoted.
Friend: If you give up time with X to be with me, we’ll get along better.
Parent: If you study harder, you’ll achieve more of what you want.
So, you go along and do what they suggest, but you’re not seeing the promotion, the better relationship, the achievement as quickly as you expected.
I think you know where this is going…
Change for change sake, or for others’ sake will never work.
However, if it’s something that is near and dear to your heart, you’ll continue to work on it and look out for it’s fruition, with eagerness not with desperation.
Example time?
Back in 2001, I wanted to change my life. I was not thrilled at work and I would just come home each evening to veg out on the couch until it was time for bed. Then I’d start the whole thing over the next day.
I vividly recall waking up one morning, looking at the ceiling and saying to God…”is this all there is to my life?” I knew something…and most notably “me” had to make a change.
Well you ask a question of God, look out! Suddenly there were emails and programs in my inbox about the subject of coaching. I knew this would be exciting to pursue and wanted my company to pay for the training.
Well, for a number of reasons, that wasn’t going to happen. So I looked around for alternatives to fund the $10,000+ training program. It took a year, Running out of steam, for everything to line up.
The money (I got a loan), the time off (I had to travel to WA state) and a coworker’s Mom said I could stay with her during the training and my boss said I could work remotely, since I had to stay over two weekends!
It took a YEAR for all of that to come together, beautifully.
In the meantime, I got some books on coaching, attended every free online training I could find and stayed connected to what I deeply wanted.
I’m reminded of a small sign that sits in my living room that I see every day… And I’d like to share it with you…
Trust the timing of your life.
Don’t look for things to happen immediately…you may not like the result.
Look for change to unfold in the most gentle and loving way possible.
That’s the change that works.
~ Fear nothing. Love everything.
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