Conversations: Creating a new balance

Hi Chris,

As I reflect on my 2022, I’m a bit burned out but optimistic for what the new year holds.

One area I’d like to improve in is where work ends and life begins. I mean, is work-life balance even possible?

For some maybe it is, but for people like me, IT ISN’T!

At least, not so far…

Can you give me a prescription for creating it in 2023?


Creating a new balance


Happy New Year, Creating a new balance!

This is so appropriate for kicking off 2023!

Love your question!

Let’s start with some definitions, that you’ll want to create to make this work for you.

  1. What IS work?
  2. What IS life?
  3. And WHY are they out of balance for you?

Now you may think I’m playing word games with you, but the distinction FOR YOU is important. Here’s why…

When you talk with an entrepreneur, for some, work IS their life! They’ve longed for the day of working for themselves and creating the peace, that comes with being fully in control of their destiny.

When you talk with high potential career professionals, work “funds” their life and that’s why they dig in and go for the greatest advancement they can make.

In both cases, they are willing to view their work-life balance as a “way of life.” And that’s why the distinction for YOU is so critical.

I have a 4/10 schedule in my daily work. Working 10 hour days was soooooo hard initially. I’d look at the clock and wonder when 4:30pm would finally come. But then, every single Friday morning I’d turn over and say “truly TGIF” because I could sleep in if I wanted.

This is how I CHOOSE to balance my work-life. It gives me the opportunity to earn a nice paycheck while having a full day to work on my business and preserves my weekends for relaxation.

It MATTERS how you define it.

YOU, matter in making the distinction.

So here’s my prescription…

Define what is work to you?

Write it down or simply define it for yourself in your head and heart.

Define what is life to you?

Write it down or simply define it to yourself in your head and heart.

Look at your responses.

Are they the same, different or do they flow one into the other (like my life, for example)?

The answer will give you a way forward.

In creating this clarity for yourself, you avoid taking someone else’s definitions or expectations.

You already know what truly matters, to and for you, to embrace the fullness of your work/life

Which by the way…is all that truly matters.

~ Let life love you!

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Thank you.

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