Milton Berle, old time comedian who had an 80 year career in the ‘biz.
Berle was a television icon and likely faced a number of closed doors in his career.
Sure, it’s easy to say if you can’t find an opportunity, create a new door to find one.
But where does one start?
First by letting go of what you think an “opportunity” is.
Example time…;)
Ok, since I’m already talking “old” comedian’s, let’s talk “old” movies.
If you ever saw the original movie, The Karate Kid, then you’ll know that Mr. Miyagi had him do simple chores that he thought were stupid and not teaching him the art of karate.
When in fact, they were preparing him for the opportunity of a lifetime.
That’s where you start.
If opportunity isn’t knocking at your door, how can you prepare yourself for the opportunity you’re truly seeking?
It’s in the preparation where you’ll find the path to another door, that opens easily for you.
That’s how build your own door…