How to handle the pressure

No one LIKES pressure…

Including those who will boast that they “thrive” under pressure.

Given the choice of ease or pressure in achieving their results, which do you think they’d choose?

Now, there are adrenaline junkies who just want the “rush.” But even they would say, in spurts…not continuously.

Diamonds are produced under intense pressure, but is that the ONLY way?

And what about the “fake” or synthetic version?

To form a synthetic diamond the process of  a chemical vapour deposition can be used.

How would you tell the difference?

And would it matter? Would it be any less brilliant?

All of that to say, pressure — whether you need it or not to reflect your own brilliance…use it accordingly and sparingly.

Because you can shine in your own right…all day, every day…pressured or not.

And when you remember who you are…


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