Love the wisdom of Marcus Aurelius…
He is right, in that your happiness is within.
When we allow others to divert our attention from it or suggest that only external factors drive our happiness, do we lose our way.
It’s similar to the guru’s who tell you, that to have a negative thought keeps you from having positive things in your life.
It’s just not true.
When I reflected on this “suggestion,” I realized that even in the midst of negativity, I received some really positive things in my life.
In addition, I believe we’re meant to experience every emotion we “get” to experience, to learn something from it.
Things like, if I overcame this anger before then I won’t let it take me somewhere I don’t want to go in the future.
Or, if I can learn to not let things get to me, then I can go within and feel good in the midst of chaos.
So heed my friend Marcus, and know that “you got this” happiness thing in hand and can exercise it whenever and wherever you want!