Conversations: In conflict

Hi Chris,

I have too much going on.

My mind is filled with different goals and ideas to the extent whereby I don’t even know where to start.. My goals are even beginning to conflict with each other…

What to do?


In conflict


First suggestion, in conflict…


Second suggestion…


I actually could stop myself, at this point…but I won’t.

You cannot create a new result with the same approach.

Given that you have a lot of goals that are in conflict with each other, then you can’t really know where to start.

To determine where to focus first, you must start with…stopping. Otherwise, you’ll continue to spin.

Here’s where I want to suggest you start.

Can you answer this question, simply?

What is it I really want?

Don’t be surprised if even THAT question sends you into a spin.


Most people either…

  • don’t know what they really want
  • are afraid to admit what they really want (even to themselves)

If you can just stop and answer that question, your goals will begin to shape themselves.

I’ll give you an example of what I mean.

I was given two large projects, unrelated to each other. While the process for one could work for the other, I was just too overwhelmed to know that at the time.

So I went into “spin-mode” where I began reaching out to people who managed similar projects. I was hoping that I could model their process and make it easier on myself.

All that did was make me doubt that either project could be completed within the timeframe I was given. And that put me further into a “spin.”

Finally, I just took a day off to walk away from it.

A forced – STOP

When I returned to work, I realized what I really wanted was to create a process for one that could easily be modeled for the other. Starting with one project, knowing what I really wanted, made it less overwhelming.

As a result, I stated with creating a process for one that was simple and repeatable.

I couldn’t have achieved this if I remained in the “soup” and using the same approach that wasn’t getting me anywhere.

Now, you don’t have to take a day off, as I did.

You can simply walk away and do something else.

Something that engages both your mind and body.

That will help you shake it off and return fresh, with new eyes and energy.

So, in conflict, stop now and walk away.

Nothing is so urgent in life, that a new perspective couldn’t help.

Then come back after you clearly determine what you really want.

Your goals will become crystal clear and you’ll be conflict-free.

My very best to you!

~ Let life love you!

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