Conversations: Struggling

You know Chris,

When it comes to self improvement, my biggest struggle is feeling selfish for taking care of myself first.

I know it’s important for me, but I can’t seem to get a handle on why “me” first.

Can you help?




Hey Struggling, thank you for reaching out!

Sure I can help!

I’ll give you the simplest, cheesiest example of why “you” first.

If you’ve ever been on an airplane flight, you’ve likely heard the flight attendant tell you to put on your oxygen mask first, before you help anyone else.

Why do you think that is?

It’s because, If you don’t get YOUR oxygen first, you’ll pass out and will never be of help to anyone else.

Let’s make this more “real” for you.

If you’re a friend, partner, parent, coworker, human being living in this day and age…you’re being observed, watched and in a lot of cases judged.

Not that you should give a damn about that, but stick with me for a minute.

Imagine that those who are watching you are looking for a way to put themselves first and get their personal growth on track. And then they see you do it…do you have any idea of how priceless that is?

If your children, friends, parents, etc. see you stronger, more resilient and dare I say happier, do you think they might want to know your secret?

You, putting yourself first can give them that “secret” permission to do so for their greater good.

Now, just one more angle on this.

If you don’t take care of yourself first, who will?

It’s actually no one’s responsibility, beyond the age of 18 in some states, to take care of you. So taking care of yourself is not only responsible, but necessary.

It’s actually selfish not to.

Otherwise you rely on others who are just trying to take care of themselves…you get me?

Trust that the struggle is calling you to…

Put yourself first.

Be the example.

We ALL ask you to…

~ Let life love you!

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