Conversations: Game changer

Hello Chris,

I wonder, since you’ve been an entrepreneur for so long, if you might be able to guide me.

I struggle to stay on point in my own business and need some tips.

How can I improve my FOCUS so that I get things done more efficiently?

This could be a game changer for me.


Game changer


Hey game changer…been there, done that!

FOCUS is so important when you’re in business.

I remember the first time I heard someone say, “squirrel.” I asked them what they meant.

They said, it’s how easily you can become distracted, like a squirrel searching for nuts…they stay in perpetual motion.

Well you know for us as business owners, staying in motion which is good, can also be a distraction. We need to accomplish certain things in order to achieve certain results, right?

But motion for its own sake, it simply a distraction from what we really need to do.

So here’s what I would do when I couldn’t focus, so that I could get things done more efficiently.

I’d just STOP.

Yup. STOP.


Because until I got control of my mind, energy and direction, I would continue to “spin” and not gain a foothold on what I really needed to do first, second, etc.

There are so many moving parts to a business. Setting strategy, creating marketing, developing products, finding customers, getting paid…etc.

So, it’s no wonder you can lose focus.

It’s why a whole industry of Virtual Assistants was developed to help keep entrepreneurs on track, by taking all the admin stuff off the plate.

What is a “true” game changer is when you stop and build your focus on what works for you, personally, you become unstoppable. This will make you stronger, more resilient, flexible, forward-thinking, creative, a force in your market.

What worked for me, was to just STOP.

What works for you may be different.

Look at what refreshes you so that you can refocus.

Perhaps, as in college for me, it was knowing I had to pull an “all-nighter” because I left things to the last minute. And by golly, I knocked it out.

Maybe it’s looking at the bank account and saying “Shit, I gotta get more customers, create new products, etc. and fast.”

Whatever it is, identify it and it can become your go-to and your game changer, whenever you lose focus.

And trust me, game changer, it WILL happen a lot.

Not a bad thing if you know what shifts you back into a focused success!

Go forth and change the game for us all!

~ Let life love you!

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