Conversations: Scared of rejection

So Chris,

I am afraid to take action and change my life because I am scared of rejection.


Scared of rejection


Hmmm…scared of rejection, I hear you.

Let me assure you at the outset, that there is nothing wrong with your perspective. I know of leaders, executives and so-called “fearless” individuals who are afraid to take action, change their life and face what some will say to or about them.

What then, can YOU do?

I would suggest you start, small.

What’s one, small action can you take that will have a positive impact on your life?

Let me give you an example.

When I wanted to get out and network for my coaching business, I was REALLY afraid that no one would be interested in what I had to say or offer. I KNEW I’d be rejected at the start.

So I asked myself, “what’s one thing I could do to face this head on and try to “avoid” rejection?”

I decided I was just going to show up. That’s it. I wasn’t going to try to tell people what I did or how I wanted to help.

I was just going to show up.

For some, that would have been really hard, but I wanted to get out of the house so that made it easier. When you run your own business you have to SHARE your business with people, so that they hire you. That was too much for me, too soon. So, baby steps…just show up.

Guess what happened?

I didn’t talk about me, I listened and connected with a lot of people. I had a great time! No one rejected me! What that did, was give me greater confidence in just “showing up” and knowing that it would be alright.

So, scared of rejection…what’s one small, baby step you can take that gives you that confidence and security?

How can it help you become stronger in the life changes you want to make?

It doesn’t require a wholesale change at once.

It does require you to take a small step, for the life you want to have…and deserve.

Just show up…for yourself.

~ Let life love you!

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