Conversations: Cares too much

Ugh Chris,

I would love to stop caring about others, who don’t care about me. What can I do to change this?


Cares too much


Aw, cares too much…let’s start with caring for yourself first.

I can tell you that in each and every one of us there is a part that cares too much about what people think of us, how much they care and on and on.

It’s just a part of who we are.

We’re social beings who want to be connected. So it’s not a bad thing to feel this way.

I’m going to ask you to let yourself off the hook for this.

Next, I want you to make a list of all the ways you care about others.

  • Do you listen to their woes?
  • Do you take their calls at all times?
  • Do you rush to their aid — financially or otherwise?

Once you identify the ways in which you “love on” others, ask yourself how you can do this for yourself?

  • Do you journal YOUR woes and find hidden messages to inspire you?
  • Do you turn off the outside world and spend time listening to music, reading good books, watching fun television shows?
  • Do you spend money on the things that make YOU happy and joyful?

Cares too much…YOU have to care more about you than anyone else…because…

THEY are focused on caring about themselves…first and foremost.

And by the way, that’s how it should be.

You just need to turn that love on, brightly, for yourself…first!

Sending love and light my friend!

~ Find the gift!

If you have a question, challenge or issue that you’d like me to respond to for this blog, simply email me. I will respond to as many as I can and you will remain anonymous.

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