Hey Chris,
You’ve been in your own business for over 10 years, so I’ve got a question.
How important is self awareness in achieving success in any business?
Success minded
Hey Success minded!
Thank you for your question… It’s one of the smartest I’ve been asked about business.
Because it’s not only the most important, but the least considered.
Everyone wants to know what are the keys to achieving a successful business.
They look for marketing secrets, client attraction strategies, and the best approaches to starting, growing and expanding a business.
ALL of these are predicated on the most important question YOU just asked!
Is self awareness important?
Here’s why it is.
In business, your ability to connect with other people…be they clients, partners, vendors, etc., requires an ability to KNOW yourself. That means, what are your must haves, won’t do, can’t do boundaries, etc.
Without knowing the answers to these important insights, you will find yourself with….
- clients who are not a fit or won’t pay
- partners who will use you for visibility and not deliver the same
- vendors who will shortchange you and not fully deliver
How do I know?
Yup, you guessed it…it’s happened to me.
I wasn’t aware of my boundaries and what I must receive in order to honor myself and my business.
Knowing this, is ALL about being self aware.
When you are self aware, you know what you want in…
- a perfect client
- a powerful partnership
- a meaningful vendor relationship
It begins and ends here.
Thank you for your question success minded… Simply asking it, shows a high level of self awareness.
You’ve got this!
~ Find the gift!
If you have a question, challenge or issue that you’d like me to respond to for this blog, simply email me. I will respond to as many as I can and you will remain anonymous.