Hi Chris,
When it comes to self improvement, my biggest struggle is putting myself first.
What are some steps I can take to change this?
Me first
Hi Me first! Congratulations for putting yourself first by asking this question.
Here’s the thing…
Self improvement is ALL about putting yourself first… “Self” improvement…get it? smile
If you’re engaging in “self” improvement for someone else…it’s not “self” it’s actually “their” improvement.
And you can’t improve anyone.
They are responsible for their own improvement…or not.
So the next question I have for you is WHY?
Why are you interested in self improvement?
- Do you want this life journey to be about improving?
- Do you want to achieve or have something more?
- Do you recognize the you are entitled to and capable of so much more?
Since I’m a huge advocate of self improvement and beating the self defeating behaviors that keep us from experiencing our greatness, I am excited for your interest.
Let’s examine some ways you can put yourself first, so that there are no struggles in your pursuit of self improvement.
Grab a journal or notebook to answer some questions…
- What does putting myself first, look like?
- What gets in the way of putting myself first?
- What could I accomplish if I put myself first?
- What’s stopping me?
After you complete this, step away from it for 24 hours and return with fresh eyes. It will be revealing…
I’m giving you sample responses below, however don’t let it “color” your own insights and perspective.
To give you an idea of how your answers could impact your self improvement journey, here are some hypothetical answers.
What does it look like?
I engage in more activities that energize and refresh me. I take walks, journal my thoughts, eat nutritious foods, I read great books, etc.
What gets in the way?
I have to take care of others. I have to work or I have other obligations that take up my time and energy.
What could I accomplish?
I’d have more energy and a better mood when helping others. Work and other obligations would serve as opportunities to support my self improvement journey, because I now view them differently.
What’s stopping me?
My view of what putting myself first looks like. It isn’t a “bad” or “selfish” thing, in fact it gives me more of me, to share with others and accomplish more in my work or other obligations. So I can shift my perspective on it and allow “Me first” to become my new mantra!
Do you see how you can shift your perspective on “Me first” as a part of your self-improvement journey and make it a more rich and robust experience?
You deserve, and so does the world, to bring all of you to this life experience and you can do that best by putting yourself first.
Just like flying on a plane, Me first, you gotta take care of you first, to help everyone else.
Please, on behalf of the Universe, plan to do so from now on…
~ Find the gift!
If you have a question, challenge or issue that you’d like me to respond to for this blog, simply email me. I will respond to as many as I can and you will remain anonymous.