Conversations: Need my friends

So Chris,

When starting my personal growth journey, I find the following most challenging…

Fear of losing some friends

How do I handle this?


Need my friends


Well, need my friends…first congrats for embarking on your personal growth journey.

News flash!

You’re IN this journey for a lifetime… smile

Now, given that, the question I want to ask you is…

Are there friends whom you’d like to keep for a lifetime?

If the answer is yes, then I would check in with them to see if THEY are your lifetime friends…or just friends for the time being.

Here’s why I suggest this approach…

People, including friends, come in and out of our lives at the time they are supposed to.

Some are meant to teach us lessons, guide our growth and share an experience.

Then, they are meant to move on.

If we have the “best” perspective about it, we’re grateful for their brief and powerful presence in our lives and we bless the path they follow.

It would be too easy to say, hey, if they are your TRUE friends, then this wouldn’t matter to them. But that doesn’t acknowledge their choices in this life.

Taking up this incredible journey will require more of you, to expand:

  • your world
  • your perspective
  • your gifts

Some, are not ready to see you grow.

Thank them for validating your movement.

Some are not sure how this will change you and your relationship.

Thank them for caring.

Some are not ready for where this will take you in your future.

Thank them for reminding you of what’s gloriously ahead.

As I said, friends are there for lessons, growth and experiences. Whether they remain or not, IS part of your personal growth journey.

Embrace it and allow the richness of this experience to give you the momentum to enjoy this lifetime journey.

Trust and believe, you will NEVER be alone, need my friends, we are ALL on the journey together.

~ Find the gift!

If you have a question, challenge or issue that you’d like me to respond to for this blog, simply email me. I will respond to as many as I can and you will remain anonymous.

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