Greetings Chris,
How can I enhance my communication skills to build stronger relationships with others?
Ready to connect
Great question, ready to connect!
“Skill building” is not reserved to the classroom or the workplace. It’s needed in our day-to-day lives as well.
Relationships require strong communications skills as a firm foundation, so you’re on the right track in wanting to enhance your own.
While there are tons of materials you can read, videos you can watch, interactions you can learn from…the best and easily experienced way I can offer you is to remember…
It’s not about you.
This is a lesson I would often teach my business clients and career professionals. When it comes to communicating with others, once you take YOU out of the equation, your ability to:
- Listen
- Respond
- Communicate effectively
Just becomes so much easier.
When we listen to understand what the other person is trying to communicate, then we respond in a way that makes them feel heard.
When we respond in a way that acknowledges them, then they relax and open to deeply hear us.
When we hear what they are really communicating, respond in a way that acknowledges them, then we are able to communicate more effectively.
Just think about how many times you’ve responded to someone and they’ve said, “that’s not what I said,” or “you didn’t hear me correctly.”
Conversely, how many times have YOU said that, after saying something.
In both instances, I can guarantee you that someone stopped listening so that they could prepare what they were going to say.
Here’s what I would say is REALLY more important.
Build the skill of listening.
Few people invest in it and think they are amazing communicators.
They are actually less effective than they could be as a communicator.
So while you want to build the skill of communicating well to build stronger relationships, ready to connect, focus on building the skill of listening, FIRST.
Once you’ve mastered it, more people will seek you out to talk with, because they will know that you’re all about building stronger connections and deeply nurturing relationships.
Best to you!
~ Find the gift!
If you have a question, challenge or issue that you’d like me to respond to for this blog, simply email me. I will respond to as many as I can and you will remain anonymous.