Conversations: Undisciplined

So Chris,

I’m finding that self discipline is sooo hard to hold myself accountable for. Do you have any suggestions?




Hmmm…undisciplined, my first question to you is…what are you building a “discipline” around?

  • Is it something you want?
  • Is it something you’ve been told you need to do?
  • Is it something that everyone else is doing, so you think you should as well?

When you desire something that YOU TRULY WANT, you will find and make a way for the discipline to kick in.

I can’t tell you the number of times in my life, when I’ve wanted something because everyone else wanted it, or wanted to do it.

I couldn’t get myself motivated to move on it, even when it would make me more money or more successful if, I just found the self-discipline and held myself accountable for it.

Here’s what I realized…

When I reflected back on the times when I DID find the discipline to get things done (like this blog for example) it was because I WANTED it…no one else told me to, suggested it to me or advised me to do it.

I had a blog when I was in business. It brought me more visibility and opportunities…when I worked on it.

But I only did it, in a particular way, because I was TOLD to. That by doing it their way, I would have better traction in the internet searches.

I got tired of it, to be honest. And even with a coach holding me accountable, I slacked off.

THIS blog, means so much to me.

I can say whatever I want, help whomever I can and screw the search engine stuff because I don’t care!

  • I CARE about whoever finds and reads it.
  • I CARE that I get to express myself the way I want.
  • I CARE that it comes from my heart and not from a place of “business.”

You best believe, I’m disciplined about it and hold myself accountable for delivering it…even when life gets in the way.

THAT is what it takes undisciplined, to find the motivation and the inspiration to do what it takes when YOU need/want to.

It has to be YOUR desire and it has to be YOUR way. Then you’ll feel committed to its success.

Go back and reexamine what you’re trying soooo hard to hold yourself accountable for and make damn sure…it’s YOURS.

My best to you!

~ Find the gift!

If you have a question, challenge or issue that you’d like me to respond to for this blog, simply email me. I will respond to as many as I can and you will remain anonymous.

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