Ugh Chris,
I sure could use your thoughts on this one.
I know we’re supposed to be positive to attract positive, right?
You know, that’s the secret of the movie, The Secret.”
Well I think they left something out of that “secret” like how to deal with the flip side of those thoughts!
What the heck do you do when you have negative thoughts if I’m supposed to be “positive” all the freaking time?
Why can’t I control my thoughts and ONLY think positive vibes?
Signed, On the dark side
Hey On the dark side,
Deep breath, my friend…
Yeah “The Secret” did a lot of good in the world and it also messed up some people’s minds…mine, included.
First, you are NOT alone in this.
Everyone, and anyone who says otherwise, I’d check their pulse…
EVERYONE has negative thoughts.
Second, and I hope you’re ready for this…
You are SUPPOSED to experience EVERY single thought there is to think inside of you.
NO ONE is exempt from that.
You know what a negative thought can give you?
It can give you options.
Because, you sound like you don’t want to stay in that place. Therefore, your brain and your heart begin to look for ways for you to feel better.
Next, if I could ask ONE THING of you, “on the dark side” and it would be this.
Simply BE the damn human you’re supposed to be and allow every thought to SERVE you in some way.
I said, I’d been there with “The Secret”, remember?
What I’ve learned all these years later is that the REAL Secret is that you are human.
As such, you are ENTITLED to experience all of life. (ever hear of the book, why bad things happen to good people?)
To deny yourself any thought – positive or negative is to deny ALL of who you are.
When I have a negative thought, I say ok, it’s all right to think that. It’s a thought I can change, if I want.
Or I may ask myself, what am I supposed to get from this thought.
If you can agree, that a positive thought is meant to give you something – a feeling, an outlook, etc.
Then you must agree that a negative thought can do the same.
What’s the difference? NONE.
You get to choose…in EVERY case. Positive or negative.
So “on the dark side” allow yourself to BE.
Go forth and have thoughts – positive and negative and choose to just be good with the experience of them.
~ Fear nothing. Love everything.