Gee Chris,
What do you do when you feel stress and anxiety creeping in? It starts as a simple nudge, then it turns into a tidal wave if I don’t catch it. Any tips to get control of it?
What has helped you stay calm in the midst of inner turmoil?
Surfing the stress waves
Oh boy surfing the stress waves, been there done that, got the tee shirt and gave it back!
I get it.
I’ve felt it coming in the middle of a conversation, when I can see where it’s going. I can feel it when I have to drive somewhere new, even though I have the GPS on my phone guiding me.
We all experience it to some degree or another. We also know how powerful breathing is, in these cases.
Yet, we can find breathing difficult to do when in the swell of the tide. We usually hold our breath so that we don’t drown, right?
Ok enough with the metaphors…
For me, the best thing has been to M-O-V-E. I mean, physically move my body.
Walking away, walking around, bending, twisting anything to get my attention off of what’s happening. It allows my mind to go somewhere else which relieves the stress and anxiety a bit and puts me back in control.
Let’s face it, we experience stress and anxiety because we think we’ve lost or are losing control of a situation.
Therefore, you have to do something that gives you back control. Moving you, puts your brain and body back under your control.
So breathing…yes, by all means…do it.(well you have no choice, lol)
Moving around, to give you back control of your mind, body and spirit will snatch stress and anxiety back into your hands.
Give it a try, surfing, and let me know how it works for you.
~ Fear nothing. Love everything.
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Thank you.