Hi Chris,
I can tell by reading your blog posts that you’re pretty “connected.” It’s something I’ve struggled with most of my life and I’m just ready to get off the struggle bus.
I want to know and believe that I can trust my heart, my body, my intuition, my inner knowing.
Can you teach me how?
Help me off the struggle bus
Hmm struggle bus,
Let’s see…
I would agree that I’ve found a path to being “connected” and I can tell you it took many paths and years to get there.
That’s not to say that you can’t get there faster. The mere fact that you “ask” is an indication that you’re closer to your “connection” than you know.
The thing I’ve figured out is that if you “struggle” you resist. And if you resist it persists.
Trusting your heart, body, intuition and inner knowing will come more easily, when you:
1: Ask
2: Relax
3: Allow
That’s it!
Where we go “wonky” is when we:
- Try to follow someone else’s prescription of “asking” correctly
- Feel we need to “do” something to demonstrate we deserve what we want
- Question whether we’re worthy of it
- Give up at the first sign of silence
After learning how to meditate 25 years ago and practicing it almost daily now, do you know that I still sit, at times, and struggle with my thoughts?
My true purpose is to sit quietly and listen for what my heart, body, intuition, inner knowing want me to know.
And yet, not immediately “connecting” has become very instructive for me. It tells me that I’m out of alignment. So I “ask” what do I need to know, then I “relax” in the present moment and then I “allow” the “connection” which somehow finds me instead.
So, ask, relax and allow, this will give you the “connection” that nourishes your heart, body, intuition and inner knowing.
It should not be work, a struggle or hard.
If it is, you’re trying to make something happen.
The “connection” is effortless because it’s seeking you as much as you’re seeking it. Simply allow “it” to meet you where you are.
It’s always there for you…always.
~ Fear nothing. Love everything.
If you have a question, challenge or issue that you’d like me to respond to for this blog, simply email me. I will respond to as many as I can and you will remain anonymous.
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Thank you.