Conversations: Ready for a breakthrough

Can you help Chris?

There is something I struggle with.. 

Being specific about what it is I really want… 

I know it’s holding me back and I want to break through this, today.


Ready for a breakthrough


Are you TRULY ready?

I’m not playing word games, I’m just trying to prepare you for what’s coming…

If you’re TRULY ready, Ready for a breakthrough, then I will tell you what’s holding you back.

It is your unwillingness to be honest with yourself.

I know, harsh.

I also know, because that was ME at a time in my life.

I believe, in my heart, that you’re not trying to deceive yourself.

However, I do know that we tell ourselves what we think we want or need to hear. We also don’t reveal our truth to others for fear of what they would think.

Because of that fear, we fear it in us.

I know from experience…

When I would take classes and programs designed to help you achieve what you wanted, I would often panic.

I’d think…am I going to choose the right thing, will it be specific enough and what if I don’t choose the right thing and get something I don’t want. 

This meant that I was afraid of getting it wrong and all the crap THAT would mean. This is the stuff that swirls around in us when we are trying to be specific about what we want.

The breakthrough here, is not being specific, but to be more gentle with yourself. 

Here’s where to start:

  • What just lights you up that no one knows about? 
  • What brings a smile to your face, when you simply think about it? 
  • What do you admit to yourself, when you’re alone and tuned in to your heart?

When you are willing to acknowledge what your spirit is asking you to stay open to…you end the struggle and know.

May I offer a personal example, Ready for a breakthrough?

When I took a program called “Change one thing” it was about getting “specific” about one thing you wanted to change. Immediately, I started to panic about the ONE thing I could select.

Would I get it wrong?

What if there’s something other than just ONE thing, how could I choose? 

Freaked me out!

What did I finally settle on?

To be happy. I just wanted to be happy.

Going deep and specific would not have served me to get the most out of the program.

Staying high level and general, did two things. 

One, it opened me up to WHAT makes me happy and two, HOW I wanted to be happy.

THEN I was able to be specific about what “happy” looks like in MY life.

If you are unable to be “specific” about what you really want, Ready, I would invite you to look at:

  • Are you afraid to admit what you really want? (try admitting it between your head and your heart, only)
  • Are you unsure because you don’t want to be wrong? (sometimes being wrong is oh so right, so don’t let that stop you)
  • Are you truly unsure of what you really want at all? (go ahead, admit you want it ALL and it’s ok, you FREAKING deserve it!)

If you’re still stuck, try my approach and start high level and general…

  • Do I want to be happy?
  • Do I want to be healthy?
  • Do I want to be wealthy?
  • Do I want peace?
  • Do I want joy?

Allow that “general” approach to open your heart and mind to what could be “specific” for you.

One last piece of Chris-advice here…

Once you’re clear about what you really and “specifically” want…keep it to yourself.

Unfortunately, there are too many people who DO NOT want to admit what they really want. They will challenge your insight and wisdom, because they cannot or will not access theirs.

With this approach, you and your heart can talk about what really matters in the confines of your own soul…and that’s the breakthrough you really want Ready.

~ Fear nothing. Love everything.

If you have a question, challenge or issue that you’d like me to respond to for this blog, simply email me. I will respond to as many as I can and you will remain anonymous.

If you’d like to have a private conversation about a question, challenge or issue, simply go here to get started. 

Thank you.


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