HI Chris,
Perhaps you can help with the one thing that holds me back. The balance of focusing on self-improvement while being present in the now.
I’m so addicted to self growth and study that it creates a sense of unworthiness by constantly wanting to learn/know more, as opposed to being “good enough” now.
What can I do to break this cycle and feel good about myself?
Break the cycle
Welcome to the world of finding balance and peace, break the cycle!
It is not at all uncommon for those of us in the self-improvement arena to struggle with where the end of the line is and we’re done.
There is, actually, no end of the line.
There IS, actually, a place of peace where we recognize we’re both good and good enough…for good.
Because life loves us and will give us ample opportunities to “level up” and love life back.
Now I say that, to say this.
There is an end of line and a place where we do feel “good enough.”
It happens when we slow down and check in with our heart and spirit.
Here’s what it looks like.
Consider all the experiences you’ve had, the journey you’ve been on and all that is to come as just the beginning of your life.
If that is your beginning or “baseline,” you know that there will always be an opportunity to “self-improve” correct?
However, you get still and honor all that the baseline has given you to feel good about you begin to truly feel good and powerful about yourself. And THAT is enough.
Embrace that place and you will know that what comes is just adding to your “baseline” of good enough…and THAT’s unstoppable good stuff.
The “stuff” no one can teach you in the self-improvement world nor can anyone take away from you.
You have been a STUDENT of self-improvement long enough, break the cycle. Now it’s time to enjoy the fruits of your labor, your journey and simply improve on your baseline of “good enough.”
Now, no matter what the day, the week or the month brings, you can know that you are good enough now while ready for more!
~ Let life love you!
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Thank you.