What convinces others…

It’s how you show up, at all…

I’m sure you’ve been a “victim” of a no show or a “ghosting.”

It’s happened when I was trying to hire a service to mow my lawn. Chatty Cathy’s until they were needed…and then nada.

Or you’re chatting up a friend about hanging out for your birthday and your text gets ignored…(yeah, that happened).

In all cases, I soothe myself by saying…perhaps I dodged a bullet there.

But it also reminds me of the Maya Angelou quote I LIVE by…

“When people show you who they are, believe them…the first time.”

That’s why your presence convinces others. It’s a clear indicator that you:

  • think well of them
  • think well of yourself
  • are who you say you are

So if you want to convince someone of your integrity and value…show up and be present.

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