So Chris,
How do i stay motivated to lead my business? I get so tired some days and it feels like I made a bad choice here.
Business leader?
Aw, business leader…been there, done that.
I completely understand.
What few people will tell you, is that…
One, you have to remind yourself, daily, “why” you started the business in the first place. It makes such a difference if you remember on the good and bad days…why.
Two, when we are in our own business, we don’t look at the calendar and plot out vacation days like we do when we’re working for someone. Huge mistake. We have to take time out to refresh and reenergize, so that we bring fresh ideas to our clients and the business.
Three, getting motivated is an inside and outside job that has to stay in balance. The inner motivation has to come from what you desire to bring to the world through you business. This has to get you through those sleepless nights and those brilliant days.
Outside has to come from the results you’re delivering, in either the products or services you bring to the market. If one is out of balance with the other…you run the risk of burnout, low sales and missed opportunities.
My first suggestion is to back up and back off of your business for a while.
The lack of motivation is actually giving you the message, that you need to rest and return when you’re fired up to go.
Next, grab a journal or notebook and start to write down the “why” you do what you do. Put the pen to paper and just write any and every thought, reason, insight that pops in. Just get it all out on paper.
Walk away and come back to it, a day or two, later. Highlight the reasons that when you read them, really get you excited. Then, put them on post it notes around your office, so that when you have those unmotivated moments, you are quickly reenergized and ready to take on the world.
Running a business is not an easy thing. It’s also not for the faint of heart. So I applaud you for your courage, resilience and tenacity.
Believe me when I say, getting unmotivated is a “gift.”
It’s an opportunity to reexamine your “why” and your “who”…and then respond as appropriate.
Welcome this respite business leader, let it serve you to serve others…
~ Let life love you!
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