Conversations: Growth Mindset

Hey Chris,

How can I cultivate a growth mindset that sees challenges as learning and growth opportunities instead of frustration reasons?


Growth mindset


I like how you think, growth mindset!

And how you “think” is going to be the key to seeing challenges as learning and growth opportunities EVEN WHEN it’s frustrating.

You, like the rest of us, get our hearts broken, face disappointment and rail against injustices.

That’s a part of being human.

It’s recognizing that it’s OK to be this human, that will allow you to gain a different perspective and create the mindset you seek.

One of my mantras, when faced with frustrating people, situations or circumstances is…

What’s the gift in this?”

By asking myself this one question, I can open myself up to turning what doesn’t feel good into something that is really for my growth and learning.

You don’t have to use my mantra, in fact, I would love for you to create your own, then it has a deep, real, and personal meaning for you.

Consider some of the following to “chew on”:

  • What’s the lesson in this?
  • What am I meant to get from this?
  • Where is the nugget of gold in this situation?
  • How can I grow from this?

You see, there are any number of ways to “think” that can turn a frustrating situation a gift and thus deliver the mindset you want.

Please hear me, growth mindset…

Let the frustration be…

Let it work it’s way through your mind, heart and soul.

It’s critical that you do not avoid it…it will NOT release you, if you do.

Simply create a way to “think” that brings you to the growth mindset you seek.

Trust and believe, it will work for you.

~ Find the gift!

If you have a question, challenge or issue that you’d like me to respond to for this blog, simply email me. I will respond to as many as I can and you will remain anonymous.

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