Conversations: Seeking good vibes

Tell me Chris,

What do you think is the secret to feeling good about yourself?


Seeking good vibes


Hey seeking good vibes!

The secret is an old one…

But it’s not one many people seek or are ready for.


Here it goes…

Sometimes you’ll feel freaking great about yourself! It may be what you’re doing, what you’re wearing, what you’re saying…and more.

And sometimes…you won’t.

That’s it.

Seems like a short answer, right seeking good vibes?

I think what keeps us from feeling good about ourselves is that we think it should be ALL. THE. TIME.

Well, life will find a way to reinforce this “sometimes” yes, “sometimes” no feeling…because it’s just…life.

I can recall times in my career, when I was super happy at doing something and felt so good about myself. Then my manager would say, well here’s something else for you to work on. I’d want to say…”Hey give me a chance to wallow in this joy for a minute, would you?”

Trust and believe, that this on and off of feeling good about yourself is meant for your good. If you were always feeling good, you may miss the opportunity to feel great!

You’ll receive opportunities to feel super, extraordinary and on top of the world. It will last as long as it lasts.


Things. change.

However, seeking good vibes you wouldn’t appreciate the times that were and felt super good without the comparison.

So take it for what it’s worth…

Sometimes you’ll feel freaking great about yourself! It may be what you’re doing, what you’re wearing, what you’re saying…and more.

And sometimes…you won’t.

It’s an experience we ALL get to have…and it is what gives our life deeper and greater experiences.

~ Find the gift!

If you have a question, challenge or issue that you’d like me to respond to for this blog, simply email me. I will respond to as many as I can and you will remain anonymous.

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