Tell me Chris,
How do you stay away from condemning yourself when you have made an honest mistake?
Mistakes made
Well mistakes made…the operative word in your question is…”honest.”
So you and I both know that EVERYONE makes mistakes. Some make them intentionally…and those folks we’d do well to steer clear of.
Some mistakes are just based on laziness, ignorance or an attitude of “just don’t care.”
When you make an “honest” mistake, it’s less likely because you had an agenda. It’s more likely that you were rushed, inattentive and perhaps a bit sloppy.
In any case…when a mistake is made that is unintentional, the VERY BEST response to it is not to condemn, but to actually celebrate!
Yeah, I know I can be a bit whimsical…smile
If you make an honest mistake and are willing to learn from it, then you’ve been given a gift.
Have you ever condemned yourself for getting the gift of an experience?
Well that’s what you’ll gain by shifting your perspective from one of condemnation to celebration.
Mistakes made…pat yourself on the back when you make an honest mistake and take the opportunity to identify the lesson, incorporate its gift and celebrate who you’ve become because of it.
I hope that helps!
~ Find the gift!
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