Every day do something that will inch you closer to a better tomorrow
How to get an inch closer
When we create goals and milestones to achieve something in our life, career or business, we know what an inch closer looks like. We also know that we have to do something to get there…whether daily,...
Do not despise the bottom rungs in the ascent to greatness
The bottom rungs
I can remember “starting over” in my careers… Fresh out of college and into my first corporate job… I wanted to run things in short order. Uh, no. Then when I started my business…...
Lonely Exhausted
Conversations: Lonely and exhausted
Ugh Chris, I would like to know, why do I still feel lonely! I’ve been engaging in lots of work in myself and my self development, trying constantly to take care of myself, my mental health and figuring...
Collect as precious pearls the words of the wise and virtuous
Collecting pearls
I love sharing quotes on this blog, along with my thoughts to inspire your own… There is power in collecting the wisdom of others, so that you have something to draw on when you need it. I’m...