Your burning passion will warm another soul..
A burning passion serves more than you know
  Yeah, it’s not all about you… When you fire up your passion for anything…life, sunny days, a good meal, sharing a smile, writing, reading, singing…there is always someone...
Cherish the fog it will provide clarity if you're ready
Cherish the fog
  In a mad rush to figure out what to do next, we can often go into a fog. We stew on it, we doubt it, we play with possibilities and we (may) hear it, but choose to ignore it. However, this is the...
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Conversations: Monarch Butterfly
Hey Chris, Why is it every time I’m on a zoom call, or in a meeting with people, I get butterflies in my stomach when I want to speak? Yet, when I’m just talking with someone, I just talk. But here it’s...
As soon as you know yourself, you will know how to live
Brace for the brilliant return on your investment
  Let’s see how many of life’s moments this could apply to, shall we? ~ Sleeping restfully ~ Eating heartily ~ Speaking thoughtfully ~ Smiling brilliantly ~ Working diligently ~ Loving...