HELPFUL gives someone what they seek. PROFOUND gives them something bigger than what they knew was possible
How to create a deeper impact
Thomas Leonard is widely recognized as the “first” true coach. His wisdom demonstrates how we help people to discover what’s within their grasp, if one but opens to what’s possible. This is easily be achieved...
me too mihai-surdu-DeI2BMIMDFA-unsplash 496x330
Conversations: Me too
Hi Chris, As I think about what I want to do or be this year, I see a number of coaches, mentors doing what looks like a lot of fun. They are speaking, traveling, writing books, YouTube, TikToc, Facebook...
Wherever you go, go with all your heart
Wherever you go...
What more needs to be said? If you can’t go with all your heart, don’t go… (guess there WAS more to be said...;))
Impossible is for the unwilling
What's possible...
  You may be sitting on the fence or on a rock, wondering… Is it possible? Yes…it IS possible. It begins by allowing yourself to just sit and wonder. Very few of us do this because we...