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Conversations: Tongue tied in a bow
Dear Chris, I often struggle with asking for what I really want. What’s THAT about? Signed, Tongue tied in a bow ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~   Hi Tongue tied in a bow,   The GOOD news…you’re...
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Conversations: Ready-Set-Go
Hey Chris, It’s a new year. I want to find a way to be so much happier this year than last and finally experience  real success in my life. What can I do to get started? Signed, Ready-Set-Go ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Happy...
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The hand at your back…
When you look back on your successes in life and during your career, do you find that you did it WITH someone or on your own? I know we often think we’ve “got this” and it’s all good. We’re self-starters,...
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Happy travels my friend...
Baggage comes in a lot of forms doesn’t it? Bad actors, harsh words, regrets, etc. They detract from the happiness you are meant to experience in this lifetime… Toss them off, leave them at the gate...