Be not afraid of growing slowly; be afraid only of standing still
Keep moving, even slowly
Most of us would like to grow fast… Whether it’s learning something new, advancing in our career, growing a business full of clients and profits and more. However, there is incredible power...
Conversations: Fearful
Tell me Chris, Why am I so scared to try my potential? I have a finance background and am trying a new business venture. All I have to do is invest some money and try and see whether it works or not. But...
Absorb what is useful. Discard what is not. Add what is uniquely your own
A recipe for success
When I started my business, full time, over 14 years ago (wow, time flies!) I remember thinking…how am I going to learn all the ins and outs of it? I was smart and got involved with business coaches,...
You cannot control everything that happens to you; you can only control the way you respond to what happens. In your response is your power
A powerful response
We’ve heard it often… It’s neither the right or wrong of what happens, it’s our response to it. And sure…therein lies you power. But I don’t know about you…taking...