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Life ruined
Well, not really… This quote is so short and powerful. The message, at least for me…and for you to consider…is this. If you face reality, as your only means of living your life, it will...
Conversations: Out of balance
You know Chris, Every day, I make the decision to pursue my goals. Unfortunately, balance is not something that is not part of that decision.  At least for the time being… And I’m good with...
Never lose hope. Storms make people stronger and never last forever. ~ Roy T
The refreshing power of storms
“Into each life, a little rain must fall” I don’t know who said that, but I’ve often heard it. But what about this? Into each life, a storm will pass? (that’s me…smile) Yeah,...
The flower that blooms in adversity is the rarest and most beautiful of all
A rare flower
Have you ever witnessed someone “go through it” and come out better on the other side? I have… It’s in those times of adversity, when it gets tough, that they seem to rise above...