Conversations: Inconsistent
Hey Chris, I enjoy pursuing my self improvement. However, I notice that my biggest struggle is consistency. I’ll read, meditate and do self care when I can…but only when I can. How can I improve my consistency...
Instead of worrying about what you cannot control, shift your energy to what you can create. ~ Roy T
From control to creation
How often, in life, do we stop and say, “Geez, I can’t control this.” Then we spend minutes, hours, even days trying to figure out angles, pathways and more to GAIN control. All, in vain. Instead,...
Get busy living or get busy dying
Get busy
I instantly recalled this line from the movie, The Shawshank Redemption. I was so surprised that Stephen King had written it, because it wasn’t from the horror genre, though there were some horrific...
Conversations: Driven
Advice please, Chris, I’m driven to the point where my goals become almost an obsession. I’m always thinking about them, they consume most of my time and energy. All the rest takes a back seat. To...