Of all sad words of tongue or pen, the saddest are these, It might have been
Sadder words?
I’ve heard this quote before…and while I agree….what might have been, is pretty sad. However, you and I, both know sadder words. So without going down that road, what’s a different...
On a journey
Conversations: On a journey
Hey Chris, I feel like the inability to keep myself from judging and finding gratefulness is stopping me on my journey to a higher level of confidence and self esteem. What can I do? Signed, On a journey ~~~~~~~~~~ Thank...
Never lose hope. Storms make people stronger and never last forever. ~ Roy T
Storms always pass
This may be difficult to believe when the clouds are forming, storming and covering your path forward… But they always…pass. You will have experienced this in your life, if you’ve been...
Happy First Day of Spring!
It's a spring thing!
Happy first day of Spring! Here’s to freshness, light and new opportunities to enjoy all that life has to offer!