Inner Dialogue
Conversations: Better inner dialogue
I wonder Chris, How does one’s internal dialogue effect SELF DEVELOPMENT? How we can improve it! Signed, Better inner dialogue ~~~~~~~~~~ Thank you for your question, better inner dialogue! I think...
Do I not destroy my enemies when I make them my friends ~ Abraham Lincoln
Just making frenemies...
We’ve all been there… You come across someone who just… rubs you the wrong way clearly doesn’t like you are just unsure what to make of you and them, together And then something...
“Life is to be enjoyed, not endured” ― Gordon B
To enjoy or endure?
Seems crazy to even ask this question, right? However, consider that there are times when we “put up with,” “tolerate,” and “go along” with stuff in our lives…to...
Emotional Intelligence
Conversations: Need emotional intelligence
Hi Chris, How do you manage your emotions? Signed, Need emotional intelligence ~~~~~~~~~~ Hey need emotional intelligence, this is a great question. If you do any scrolling on social media, (and this website...