You will meet two kinds of people in life ones who build you up and ones who tear you down. But in the end, you’ll thank them both
Two kinds of people in your life
The first time I read this quote I thought…interesting. Then, when I READ this quote I thought…damn straight! Think about it… Those who build you up, you most naturally thank them for...
You have power over your mind – not outside events. Realize this, and you will find strength
Where you will find strength
We’re often told that you cannot control what goes on outside of you…just inside of you. Don’t you just WISH you could have THAT control…for one day? lol You’d quickly discover,...
Self Improvement Oriented
Conversations: Self Improvement Oriented
Hello Chris, I’ve really been into self growth and want to improve as a person. I’m super into self growth quotes and they do help me occasionally. My problem is that I am not really sure that I can improve....
May you live every day of your life
Do you live every day?
You have to “pause” when you read this quote…and take stock. We don’t often check in, daily, to see if we’re actually LIVING our lives. We more simply…be And while “being,”...