But better to get hurt by the truth than comforted with a lie
Hurt or comfort?
Tough choice? I’m sure you know some people who won’t accept the truth because the lie keeps them safe. Can’t entirely blame them. It’s their life. You, of course, get to choose...
Anyone who lives within their means suffers from a lack of imagination
Are you living within your means?
Oscar was always known for double entendres in his speaking and writing. This is no exception. He’s not advocating going out and blowing your paycheck on some frivolous item just to show you can…live...
End Victimhood
Conversations: End the victimhood
You know what Chris, I have on my goals, to stop the victim mentality and I’m not sure if that’s what this is, but I just hate the feeling of giving in so much. I just want to curl up in a ball and stay...
Sometimes the questions are complicated and the answers are simple. ~ Dr
Complicated questions can lead to simple answers
Sounds like a complicated title, right? lol In my career, I’ve found that when I hear people ask complicated questions, it’s because they WANT the answer to be as complicated. Why would they...