The big lesson in life, baby, is never be scared of anyone or anything
Sinatra's best advice
If you’re not old enough to know, “old blue eyes” and his amazing singing voice…or his “alleged” ties to powerful people, then this quote may not resonate with you. However,...
Cares too much
Conversations: Cares too much
Ugh Chris, I would love to stop caring about others, who don’t care about me. What can I do to change this? Signed, Cares too much ~~~~~~~~~~ Aw, cares too much…let’s start with caring for yourself first. I...
You cannot swim for new horizons until you have courage to lose sight of the shore
Setting out for new horizons
Scary, no? If you don’t know what awaits you, you can dig in your heels and hold on to where you are. Been there myself… Yet, if you know that something different and perhaps better awaits,...
Good Thoughts Confucius
How to help in the chaos
We can all agree that the world is facing challenges and chaos in multiple hot spots… You may think you’re incapable of helping things to change or shift. You are not. Each morning during my...