Stop me now
Conversations: Stop me now
Ugh Chris, There is one BIG thing I would love to stop doing! Shying away from things that are out of my comfort zone. Suggestions please? Signed, Stop me now ~~~~~~~~~~ Well, stop me now…welcome to the...
To succeed in life, you need three things a wishbone, a backbone and a funny bone
Choose the best bone for success in life
Reba…too freaking true! We absolutely need ALL the options available, to succeed. We’re wishing for the best or better opportunities… We’re challenged to show our strength and...
Of all sad words of tongue or pen, the saddest are these, It might have been
Sadder words?
I’ve heard this quote before…and while I agree….what might have been, is pretty sad. However, you and I, both know sadder words. So without going down that road, what’s a different...
On a journey
Conversations: On a journey
Hey Chris, I feel like the inability to keep myself from judging and finding gratefulness is stopping me on my journey to a higher level of confidence and self esteem. What can I do? Signed, On a journey ~~~~~~~~~~ Thank...