I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended up where I needed to be
Right where you need to be
Have you ever reflected on some of the choices in your life and where they led you? With every job change that required a physical move, I relished the opportunity to see and learn something new. However...
The secret to getting ahead is getting started
How to get ahead
Seems so simple, doesn’t it? Just get started, they all say. Easier said than done. We question where to start, what to start with, how to start at all… And if only you knew… Those who...
New Year New Me
Conversations: New Year, New Me
Hi Chris, New year and all of that… I want to be better this year. In fact, I’ve been waking up earlier, meditating, reading, and working out. But then I just get into a rut again where I don’t feel well...
Braver, stronger, smaller
Think braver, stronger, smarter
You already know, that you are far more than you think… 🤔 However, being braver, stronger and smarter…requires first the thought. The thought that it “could” be so. The...