May you find the GIFT in every day!
It's 2024 and it's ready for you...
I invite you to “find the gift” – every day in 2024. I guarantee you, it’s there. Waiting, for you to discover it. Hoping, that you celebrate it. Praying, that you know…you....
Conversations: Seeking grace
Hi Chris, There is an aspect of personal growth I’m seeking. I think, honestly, just learning self compassion! I want to learn how to give grace to myself the same way I do for others! Can you give me...
Life is like a coin. You can spend it any way you wish, but you only spend it once
What do you spend your life on?
As we leave 2023, this is actually a great point of reflection… If you only get to spend it once, where do you want the greatest return on investment to come from? Family Friends Work Self care...
I don't go by the rule book…I lead from the heart, not the head
What leads you?
You could see it in her manner, her focus and her commitment that this was incredibly true… The world admires her and her legacy continues…despite NOT becoming Queen. So when you’re unsure...