A well-educated mind will always have more questions than answers
A questioning mind
Interesting how we can sometimes tell if people are willing to learn or somehow know it all. I’ve met highly educated people who truly believe they know it all. And, perhaps they do. I’ve met...
Ready to stop
Conversations: Ready to stop
Hi Chris, When I think about what I would love to stop doing… It includes: Over thinking, worrying, feeling like a failure and to finally have more self esteem. How can I? Signed, Ready to stop ~~~~~~~~~~ So...
We are products of our past, but we don’t have to be prisoners of it
Don't be a prisoner to your past
We are the sum of our past experiences and therefore make choices because of it. If our past experiences served as inspiration. lessons and wisdom we are able to make informed, powerful choices that serve...
Great works are performed not by strength but by perseverance
Strength vs. Perservance
Which would you choose? To be strong can help you with the heavy lift. To persevere will give you endurance, lessons, visible results and more. I exercise at least 4 days a week. I focus on a blend of...