It is not the strength of the body that counts, but the strength of the spirit. ― J.R.R
Where your strength resides
We’ve all seen in the news, movies, books, etc. where people summon the strength to do, be or have what they really want, overcoming all odds. It’s actually the “hero’s journey”...
“Even miracles take a little time
Miracles take more than time
Love this quote and its intention… However, I would argue that we don’t always KNOW the amount of time a “miracle” can take… I think back to the days when I was selling my...
Change is hard
Conversations: Changing is hard
You know Chris, When it comes to change… the hardest part about it is accepting you need to change. It’s acknowledging your flaws, blockages, quirks, all the things that make you… someone who...
To love oneself is the beginning of a lifelong romance
How to have a lifelong romance
In pursuit of love, companionship and connection we may search in all the “wrong” places. In the club, bars, dating sites, etc. And what we find, may or may not last. However, if you’re...