Game changer
Conversations: Game changer
Hello Chris, I wonder, since you’ve been an entrepreneur for so long, if you might be able to guide me. I struggle to stay on point in my own business and need some tips. How can I improve my FOCUS so...
Stay foolish to stay sane
An unconventional way to stay sane
While I would never want anyone to look or appear foolish…can’t you just see how this would work? With all of the crap occurring around the world, you could lose sleep over the seriousness...
No guts, no story
A story to tell requires...
While I’m not a fan of promptings like, no guts no glory… This one, intrigued me. Sure we can tell a sweet story that doesn’t require guts. However… Remember a time when you held...
Starting up
Conversations: Starting up
Hey Chris, How do I even begin with self-development and personal growth? I’ve heard it can help with so much in my life, especially my career. So I’m keen to get started, the right way. Got any advice? Signed, Starting...