In conflict
Conversations: In conflict
Hi Chris, I have too much going on. My mind is filled with different goals and ideas to the extent whereby I don’t even know where to start.. My goals are even beginning to conflict with each other… What...
Sometimes the most important thing in a whole day is the rest we take between two deep breaths
Catching your breath
Have you ever found yourself at the end of the day and realized you didn’t get lunch or a break? And you ONLY notice because you stopped to take a breath? I’m guilty of shallow breathing throughout...
Very little for happy life
How to create a happy life
Love the wisdom of Marcus Aurelius… He is right, in that your happiness is within. When we allow others to divert our attention from it or suggest that only external factors drive our happiness,...
Set free
Conversations: Set me free
Help me out here Chris, How can I stop thinking about what others think about me? I keep making up stories. Signed, Set me free ~~~~~~~~~~ Hi set me free, This is both simple and complex…so hang in with...